Sunday, January 29, 2012

Caveman & Zero

[Category: Character Analysis]

A strange, rarely-really rarely- talking kid. The smallest but the fastest digger in Group D. Illiterate... Zero.

A goo
d boy from a poor family. Fat, the biggest and new one in Group D. Optimistic in spite of unluck following him everywhere and everytime. Stanley Yelnats, Caveman.

These two opposite characters have a strange relationship in the book. Actually the amount of the days they have a one-minute-conversation is not more than "two" during twenty-one chapters I've read till now. But Stanley and Zero have something strange between them. Especially the last event, when Stanley is back from the Warden's cabin and realizes that Zero dug his hole for Stanley, shows the upward movement in their relationship. Zero, the quietest and strangest boy, feels himself close to Stanley somehow. Readers can understand that easily in 18th chapter which Zero asks Stanley to teach him how to read in.

I think Caveman and Zero will soon get along better with each other and Stanley will figure Zero's curious character/life out.

*171 words


  1. A weird friendship between Zero and Stanley is what's going on in the book.However, when you put it like this there is nothing to do for me but to pity those guys!!Poor little kids with pathetic,ruined lives!!:(

  2. You have forecasted their relationship in the next chapters accurately. You are a really good observer. When I was reading chapter twenty, I felt that their relationship would have a great importance in the next chapters, but I was focused on other characters and I thought that their relationship was only a delightful detail.
