Sunday, January 29, 2012

First meet with the book

[Category: First Impressions]
Finally I've begun reading the book! I have to say, it is clear that "Holes" won't be one of these 'boring obligatory books'. Since I've read its back cover, I'm interested in the story and it seems like I will be more interested and excited as long as I read it.
Holes written in 1998 by Louis Sachar is about a boy called Stanley Yelnats who has been sent to Camp Green Lake for a crime he did not commit. Camp Green Lake actually "was" a lake-over a hundred years ago- "now it is just a dry wasteland" [p.7]. In this strange camp children have to dig holes during the day to "improve their character" (Well, that's definitely the so called reason).
What I first liked most about the book was that: Holes has absolutely a simple language! Sachar's used a language which is neither so simple as if a primary school student has written it, nor so complicated that you have to look up in dictionary in every two sentences. You can guess the meanings of unknown words easily.

"Holes" fits just my style:
Settle in your comfortable armchair and just read your book!

*195 words


  1. I agree with you.Finally I finished the book and I really,really didn't get bored.
    After "Big Mouth&Ugly Girl" it was such a medicine =D By the way, you seems very mysterious on your profile picture,like a real writer!
    Enjoy blogging,Melis! I know you like writing,right?

    1. It's not me in the picture, but thaanks Beste.:D

  2. Melis,
    I agree with you and also with Beste that the language of “Holes” is a kind of piece of cake after “Big Mouth and Ugly Girl”. Even its language is only a bit harder than Misery’s language from Stephen Hawking we read last year. This fact was a great contributor to my courage to read the book.

  3. I agree with you. The book fits my style just like you. That was the most enjoyable holiday task that I've ever got.
