Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Unknown words

[Category: Analysis]

Some new words in 37th, 38th and 39th chapters

           Word                    Guess Meaning                      Dictionary Meaning
 slope (p.132, l.9)      top (of a mountain etc.)    any ground whose surface forms
                                                                    an angle with the plane of the horizon

 steep (p.132, l.11)         upright/vertical                      rising or falling quickly 

 weed (p.132, l.15)                  -                       a wild plant growing where it is not
                                                                        wanted and that prevents crops or
                                                                    garden flowers from growing 
bug (p.132, l.21)            a kind of insect            a small insect, especially people 
                                                                                  think that is unpleasant

 dangle (p.134, l.5)         to hang down/fall                  to hang or swing loosely

 despair (p.134, l.26)      failure/unsuccess                 a feeling that you have
                                                                                             no hope at all 

 remain (p.135, l.52)            to stay in                   to continue to be in the same
                                        the same situation                  state or condition

 shade (p.137, l.11)         tone (of a colour)            a particular kind of red, green,
                                                                                               blue etc.

 precipice (p.138, l.10)            -                               a very steep side of a high
                                                                                     rock, mountain or cliff

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